Bulleted Bio
Twelve Terrificly True Things about Russell
*His parents met in a bookstore.
*He was born October 11, 1929 in San Francisco,
*His middle name is Bruce.
*He wrote a comic book in grade school that was
published in
the school publication.
*When he was a mischievous schoolboy, Russell
Freedman spent
many hours staring at a portrait of Abraham Lincoln while sitting in
principal's office. This is one of the
reasons he was interested in writing a biography about Lincoln.
*He graduated from the University of California
and served
in the Korean War.
*His first job was as a reporter.
*He writes the first draft of his book using a
pencil and a
legal pad.
*Although his books are aimed at kids, he wants to
write a
book that a ten-year-old, a teenager, or a grandmother would sit up
reading all
night. He is not interested in writing
books that will just be used for classroom reports.
*He thinks the kids who read his books will be
movers and shakers!
*Every time he finishes a book, he takes a trip an
advice to kids who want to be writers is to read
what really interests you and write every day.