Big Annie of Calumet
Stanley, Jerry. 1996. Big Annie of
Calumet: A true story of the Industrial Revolution. New York:
Crown Publishers. ISBN: 0517700980.
Using a little known story from a mining town on the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan, Jerry Stanley is able to give life to the facts about the
Industrial Revolution. Stanley begins his text with an introduction
that briefly mentions Big Annie Clemenc, for whom the book is titled.
His first chapter gives an overview of the basic factors involved in
the Industrial Revolution. Stanley then puts a microscope over the
Keeweenaw Peninsula in Northern Michigan, which was America's chief
supplier of copper from 1845-1885. (Stanley, p.15) When wages were cut,
hours were lengthened, and conditions became increasingly unsafe, the
miners went on strike. What makes this story remarkable is the fact
that the wives of the miners played an integral part in planning,
staging, and persevering during the strike. Although the story does
focus at times on the role played by Annie Clemenc, Stanley uses the
story of this strike to demonstrate the different roles played by
miners, owners, townspeople who depended on the mines, and politicians
when there was a strike. The book concludes with a chapter that
chronicles the effects of the Industrial Revolution. There is also an
afterword that tells what happened to Big Annie, her family, and the
town of Calumet.
Stanley writes using very frank language, and he also conveys the
urgency of the situation. The Industrial Revolution has many angles,
and Stanley is able to explain the forces behind decisions from all
sides. Chapter three, "The Widow Maker," (p.21) thoroughly explains the
economic reasons behind changes at the mine, why they felt the miners
would be unable to organize a strike, and why and how the miners
eventually decided to strike. Stanley uses quotes, excerpts from
newspaper articles, and portions of court decisions that give further
details and insight into the times. Stanley is also unafraid to show
faults in his major characters. Stanley seems to imply that Big Annie
was unfaithful to her husband during the strike, and goes on to confirm
in the afterword that she left her miner husband for this man after the
strike. "Annie continued to lead the parades every morning, now often
accompanied by Clarence Darrow and by Frank Shavs, a reporter for a
Chicago newspaper. Shortly after his arrival in Calumet, Shavs had
abandoned his objectivity in reporting the strike and had joined it.
Attracted by the tall, independent woman leading the strikers and their
wives, Frank often marched with Annie, and their relationship grew
closer." (Stanley, p.65)
The organization of this book gives readers a chance at a brief history
lesson, an in depth case study, and a final summary that ties it all
together. Stanley gives the reader just enough information so that
he/she will be able to understand the reasons behind the strike in
Calumet. He then hooks the reader on the plight of the worker through
the story of Big Annie and the strike in Calumet. After whetting the
readers appetite with a true story of just how much was at stake in
these situations, chapter nine goes into greater detail in its summary
of the Industrial Revolution.
This slim book is printed in a medium to large serif font. The text is
offset toward the center of the book, so that there is white space on
the outer edges of a two-page spread. Chapter titles are printed in
dark black in a typeface that almost seems mechanical, which fits the
subject matter. Black and white photos of characters in the story and
scenes from the time enhance and give further insight to the text. An
extensive bibliographic note is written in paragraph form, and there is
an index and picture credits. One disappointing aspect of the text is
that some quotes are not cited directly, such as "There was a disregard
for workers as human beings in the comment of one manufacturer: 'I
regard my employees as I do a machine, to be used to my advantage, and
when they are old and of no further use, I cast them into the street.'"
(Stanley, pp. 9-10)
This book would be a wonderful resource to use as a way to put a real
story behind the facts of American History. As Berwinkle said in her
review in Book Report, "A
wonderful source for labor history or women's history."