The First Part Last
Johnson, Angela. 2003. The
first part last. New York: Simon and Schuster Books
for Young Readers. ISBN: 0689849222.
Bobby is a teenager living the reality that many young men face today,
but he makes a choice that is not always the most popular. When
he finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant, he chooses to raise his
daughter as a single dad. Although his family offers some
support, it is Bobby who is ultimately responsible and must make life
changing decisions for himself and his infant daughter.
This award winner (2004 Coretta Scott King Award, 2004 Michael Printz
Award) grabs the reader from the first page as Johnson reveals a little
more with each chapter about Bobby's character and the reality he is
facing. The book is told in chapters that alternate between
"then" and "now," and the author is able to make this work by
seamlessly telling two parts of the story concurrently. Written
in the first person, the story moves quickly with short sentences and
quick topic changes that seem to follow the thought patterns of the
typical adolescent. Johnson makes Bobby seem real not only
through his vernacular in talking with his friends, but also by
revealing his inner conflict over the choices that he alone must make,
such as "No, I don't know anything about raising a kid. I'm
sixteen and none of those people on the wall look like the kind of
family me and Feather's gonna be. But I'm doing it." (p.124)
One of Johnson's great strengths is her ability to show the realities,
both positive and negative, of Bobby's situation. Without
didacticism, Johnson paints a picture of Bobby's love for his daughter,
but also the inevitable hardships that face any parents and are even
more glaring when the baby is parented by a single teenage
father. As Hazel Rochman wrote in Booklist, "There's no
romanticizing. The exhaustion is real, and Bobby gets in trouble
with the police and nearly messes up everything. But from the
first page, readers feel the physical realities of Bobby's new world;
what it's like to hold Feather on his stomach, smell her skin, touch
her clenched fists, feel her shiver, and kiss the top of her curly
head. Johnson makes poetry with the simplest words in short,
spare sentences that teens will read again and again."
Rochman, Hazel. 2003. The first part last: Book
review. Booklist
100 (1): 122. In EBSCOHost (database online).
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