Russell Freedman Bibliography
Books about America
students in the intermediate
grades begin to delve more deeply into the story of our country, many
books by Russell Freedman offer an in-depth look at specific areas of
study. Some focus on the lives of famous Americans, some look at
ethnic groups within our borders, and others explore principles upon
which our nation was founded. Excellent writing and well-chosen
photographs offer students a chance for further exploration of a topic.
Freedman, Russell. 1980. Immigrant
kids. New York: Dutton. ISBN: 0825325387.
-------------------. 1987. Indian chiefs. New
York: Holiday House. ISBN: 0823406253.
-------------------. 1987. Lincoln: A photobiography.
New York: Clarion Books. ISBN: 0899193803.
-------------------. 1990. Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
New York: Clarion Books. ISBN: 089919379X.
-------------------. 1991. The Wright brothers: How they
invented the airplane. New York: Holiday
House. ISBN: 0823408752.
-------------------. 1993. Eleanor Roosevelt: A life of
discovery. New York: Clarion Books.
ISBN: 0899198627.
-------------------. 1994. Kids at work: Lewis Hine and the
crusade against child labor. New York: Clarion
Books. ISBN: 0395587034.
-------------------. 1996. The life and death of Crazy Horse.
New York: Holiday House. ISBN: 0823412199.
-------------------. 1999. Babe Didrikson Zaharias: The making
of a champion. New
York: Clarion Books. ISBN: 0395633672.
-------------------. 2000. Give me liberty!: The story of the
Declaration of Independence. New York: Holiday
House. ISBN: 0823414485.
-------------------. 2003. In defense of liberty: The story of
America's Bill of Rights. New York: Holiday
House. ISBN: 0823415856.